gregor herrmann dijo [Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 08:40:29PM +0200]:
> > My hope is that people will have a 2 minute conversation with a goal
> > of ticking the boxes, and then get interested, and spend the rest of
> > the meal having a pleasant conversation that they actually care about
> > with people who they haven't interacted with in meatspace before.
> Ah, now that you say "then ... spend the rest of the meal" I realize
> that my inner image was the other way round: first dinner and then,
> during/after dessert the "box ticking"; as an option for those who
> like, as in "mmmh, the food was good, now who takes a coffee or some
> key signing?"
> Would that feel less strange for our South and North Italians?

Yup - The protocol might be "checkbox ticking after dessert". Of
course, some people will jump the protocol - but we can strongly
prefer so. And of course, if I have already exchanged signatures with
you, that won't stop me from sharing dinner again.

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