>> The day trip was excellent. Kudos to the organizers!
> Agreed, but we would be even happier joining a day trip which could be
> excellent for all DC attendees.
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Accessibility#Day_trip

We have done as much as we can for people that aren't having it as easy
as most of the attendees. The hike option was clearly not made for a
wheelchair (but I know that blind people had been on it and enjoyed
it!). For that there was a second option, which a number of other
people also chosed to take, going to a different naturl swimming pool /
recreational area.

There also had been a discussion with Otavio during the days before the
daytrip. For exact details what was discussed ask him and or faw, as
they had it.

>From *my* viewpoint we did try as much as we can to have an option open,
but there is only so much the orga can do for a minority.

bye, Joerg
<exa> yes, I'm annoying.
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