What follows is a much easier method for those of you who sent off SHA-1
signatures, and want to 'fire and forget' an update with the stronger
SHA-2 hash signatures:

1. Do this first:

> To be sure you send the right SHA-2 capable hash signatures, or to fix
> the fact that you sent SHA-1 signatures you just need to set the
> following in your ~/.caff/gnupghome/gpg.conf:
> cat >> ~/.caff/gnupghome/gpg.conf
> cert-digest-algo SHA512
> personal-digest-preferences SHA512

2. Now change directory into the dated caff directory which corresponds to
the day you sent off your signatures: cd ~/.caff/keys/<some date here>

3. Do the following for loop:

$ for keyid in `ls | cut -d. -f1 | sort | uniq`
GNUPGHOME=~/.caff/gnupghome gpg --export-options export-minimal --export $keyid 
> /tmp/$keyid.key
GNUPGHOME=~/.caff/gnupghome gpg --delete-key $keyid
GNUPGHOME=~/.caff/gnupghome gpg --import < /tmp/$keyid.key
caff --no-download $keyid

4. profit! I'm pretty sure this will do as you need. Be sure to set your
.caff/gnupgphome/gpg.conf configurations first!

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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