On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:34:23PM -0400, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Hi everybody, it wouldn't be nice to campaign for preparing BoF in
> advance and not doing it for a BoF I've submitted myself!  So, if you
> are interested in fixing RC bugs and in SPAM-ing planet about your
> initiatives in that direction, then you're also invited to attend:
>   RC bug fixing + NMU = Fun
>   http://penta.debconf.org/dc10_schedule/events/609.en.html

It looks like that Gobby-based collaborative minutes taking has worked
pretty well for this BoF! It did help to ask Gregor to act as "minute
master", but a lot of other people have contributed in taking
notes. Thanks to everybody who has contributed!

I attach the BoF notes to this post.
I've also uploaded them as an attachment to the event in Penta (although
the public page linked above has not been rebuilt yet).


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...........| ..: |.... Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime
RC bug fixing + NMU = Fun
2010-08-01, Davis Auditorium

* do you have NMU (campaign) experiences? good or bad ones?   
* advertising NMU campaign: useful or just SPAM?
* is the goal of ``more collaborative'' RC-fix worthwhile?
* how can we motivate people to do more NMUs?
* (how) should we communicate about NMU campaigns?
* are current NMU rules (devref §5.11.1) good enough?
  is LowThresholdNMU useful anymore?
* do we need an ``NMU'' equivalent for package removals?
* provocation: as an NMU-er, is Maintainer a feature or a bug?

tmancill: differences between packages of active vs. inactive maintainers
which changes are appropriate for NMUs?
don: unmaintained packages --> MIA or RM or QA (RM often hard to decide: is 
someone still using that pkg?, there is popcon to at least give an impression) 
(if no one is maintaining it, then removal is sometimes better than being 

marks: exclusivity bad, but contact point necessay
jeremiah: teams (pkg-perl) works, collabaration, share responsibility

maxy: Its a nice feature to have an ultimate maintainer (or group), to rely on 
fixing problems in the long run, specially in large packages. But, there is a 
number of packages, that having no maintainer would actually help them and the 

Q : How many NMU packages installed on zack's system ?
???: How many NMU packages do we have now in the Archive ?
About 5% in an example system (how about sharign the script that produced that?)
aptitude search '~V.*nmu*' | wc -l  shows 67, not sure how accurate
About 3.6% on an other Debian mixed system.

gaudenz: is anyone using the LowNMUThreshold list 
(http://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu) ? -- a handful of people raise their 

"NMU" for removals? RoQA <-> who feels entitled to do this (no experience in QA 

bubulle: LowThresholdNMU: outdated, needs online access, ... if we want 
something then _in_ the package (switch for dput)

Sylvestre: NMUs <-> VCS? VCSes not relevant at the moment. do we need something 
special? for VCS-users commits might be convenient

Q: are you responsible for bugs in packages after NMU? automation? "bts 
subscribe" "pts-subscribe" commands (devscripts)

lucas: NMU process is quite simple, checking VCSes would make it more complex, 
maintainer's responsibility to integrate the patch

finding NMU-able candidates is not always easy?
^ http://tinyurl.com/36uyhd4
Interesting stats from UDD about "packages maintained with NMUs": 

bubulle: experience: NMUs are welcomed in any area. good communication crucial. 
(first email is the most important)

pabs: experience: I stopped doing NMUs and especially QA uploads because I 
found they aren't useful to Debian since many of the packages I worked on were 
just removed from the archive some months afterwards.

bubulle: experience (bis). Even when such things happened, Debian benefited 
from it as I improved my own skills and knowledge while doing that..:-)

rules: devref 5.1.11 [all NMUs allowed with DELAYED/10]

Suggestion : Add comments on policy preferred by the maintainer in 
README.Source ?

(too late) Question : How to help non-maintainers/DD to NMU ?
still interested
maybe build a team of NMU sponsors,but that's already done elsewhere in some way
--> send patch to BTS, there are people looking at RC bugs with patches

General consensus among people who shared their experiences during the BoF:
- NMU are nowadays generally, albeit not in all cases, *welcome* by package 
- that is even more so when fixing RC bugs, but also when other fixes are 
- it seems that NMU can become a way of collaboration among maintainer and 
  when the maintainer is busy or otherwise does not have enough time to care 
  long outstanding issues
- current NMU rules (devref §5.11.1) are conservative and generally enough to 
avoid flames
  when followed properly; nevertheless, they allow quite some deal of 

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