Hey all,

If you are interested in seeing some art installations that use  
(almost) all Free Software, there are two projects that I worked on  
that are open to the public and free as in beer:

Moveable Type, Ben Rubin and Mark Hansen.
Each of the 560 screens is also a little ARM computer with a speaker.  
The setup is a custom Debian-based distro running Pd for sound and  
Python for the screen and communications logic.  As far as I know,  
each of these computers is running 100% Free Software.

Magnum Mark, at FLAG Art
Magnum is a photographers' collective that has been around for  
decades.  This is an exhibit of works from a range of Magnum  
photographers from journalists to artists.  I created the digital  
display system which is Pd/Gem running on Ubuntu.  The 10 screens are  
running 99% Free Software, all except the fglrx video driver (the open  
source one was close, but not quite there :'-( ).  The video  
projection is on an Mac running Pd/Gem since that machine was already  
in place.



I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my  
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out  
how to use my telephone."  --Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++)

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