On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 3:11 AM, Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> wrote:
> Greetings debconf-discuss,
> Every year, the DebConf team prepares a final report.  This allows
> future years to learn from us, and is critical in securing repeat
> sponsors.
> *You* can help with this report, too.  Your perspective are very
> helpful in this report.  In fact, we'd love to have articles from your
> perspective.  Some concrete ideas for contributions are:
> - "Personal impressions" - excepts from your blog posts.  It would
>  help us to have someone search for old Planet Debian posts to
>  quote (with permission).
> - A day trip article
> - An article on other social activities
> - Write-up on describing some interesting talks
> - Anything else you can think of.
> You can see much more and claim articles here:
>  http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/FinalReport
> If you have any questions about how to help, just let any of us know.

Let me elaborate on the urgency of this:

* The DebConf report is not only a mere formality. We use it to show
our sponsors all the impact of their donations, all the hard work the
Debian community achieved through DebConf. It helps us wrap up the
conference and keep our collective memory alive.

* If you enjoyed DebConf and want to give back, we *really* need your
help with this report. Previous reports feature day impressions from
attendees ranging from first time attendees to seasoned DDs.

You can take a look at the past year's reports here:


(they curiously make for a very entertaining reading, really!)

Miles de gracias!

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