On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:36:11PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just sitting in "Coffee Fellows" where you can have free WLAN if
> you buy something for 5Euro.  The one in front of the railway station
> is closing at 22:00 but if you cross the two lane street in front of
> the railwaystation at the central exit of the railwaystation and go
> into the street with "Karstadt" on the left and "Rewe" on the right
> 20m on the left side is another Coffee Fellow which advertises
> INTERNET in big capital letters.  Seem slike a reasonable meeting
> point to me ...
> See you

My 15:21 train from Duesseldorf HBF, arrives at 20:09 in Munich.
I will visit both "Coffe Fellows"

Geert Stappers
> And is there a policy on top-posting vs. bottom-posting?

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