On fredagen den 22 juli 2011, Moray Allan wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Magnus Holmgren <holmg...@debian.org> 
> > Excuse a n00b, but I take it one's not expected to wear suit and tie for
> > the conference dinner. Any other reason to bring a suit?
> We tried to stop calling it "formal dinner" a while ago, because of
> this confusion. :)
> Most people just wear their regular geek-hanging-out clothes for the
> conference dinner, though of course you're allowed to dress up
> specially if you want to, like any other day.

Good, because I don't think I can fit both runner shoes and black shoes in my 
luggage. :-)

> The only reason I can think of to bring a suit would be if you want to
> make some business proposal to the various politicians who might be
> passing by the conference.

In that case I'd probably(?) need a way more expensive suit than I have...

Magnus Holmgren        holmg...@debian.org
Debian Developer 

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