Hey debconf people--

Lightning Talks!
July 30th (Saturday) at 18:00 in Banski Dvor's main auditorium
Send me your proposal for a 5-minute talk!

Each talk is capped at 5 minutes max, and i'll allow a minute of setup
for speakers who want to use the projector, so we can have 7 lightning
talks total.

Do you have a brief debian-related rant?  A concise argument you want to
get out to the debian community?  A short demo of a cool debian project?
 A debian package you really wish everyone knew about?  Let me know by
e-mail so i can plan out the sequence.

This is also a good way to get your feet wet if you've never presented
anything at DebConf.

These will be quick and engaging; no Q&A right there -- people can talk
to you afterwards.  Make it snappy!  Less than 5 minutes is fine too.

Two of the seven slots are already taken.  What are you waiting for‽
E-mail me now!


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