On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 03:24:12PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Sebastian Tennant (seb...@smolny.plus.com):
> > > For the 2.5km walk, are there hordes of slobbering muggers running around?
> > 
> > Not at all.  Banja Luka is a very relaxed, green and leafy city.  If your 
> > bags
> > are not too heavy (or on wheels) you can easily walk it.
> I'm not even sure this is a 2.5km walk. Maybe between 1.5 and 2

It's 3.1 km according to Andrease Tille.  But you can trick people
travelling with you to say it was "about as long as the walk from Zagreb
train station to the bus terminal there" :)

Personally, I don't think the first 2 km of it are going through the
nicest parts of Banja Luka, but I have no idea about security as we
arrived in the early afternoon.

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