On 06/29/2012 01:41 AM, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 12:30:39PM -0600, Felix Delattre wrote:
>> I send this list over to the government people:
>> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf12/Arrivals So these people can use
>> this room. In case you want to be on the list
> Can you please rely on arrival data in Penta instead?

I agree, that It would have been the right way to go.

But because we had more data on the wiki page and needed to give away
this information quickly, we just took it from the wiki page. Anyway if
you don't want to have your data public you might not even want to give
it to the government (at least not in this way, related to DebConf)

Personally, i think, the welcome room is a nice extra but not necessary
and I'd prefer to not do another call getting people putting their
flight information into Penta. You can always just go through regulary
customs and you'll be very fine.

But, don't we need this information for the hotel Shuttles as well?
Then, I think, it would be enough reason to do another call.
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