DebConf12's Mass OpenPGP Keysigning will be at 18:00 on Thursday, July
12 in Roberto Terán (a.k.a. "Talk Room 2").  You can still participate
even if you didn't manage to send your key yet.

We're going to try something a different this time around.  Please
bring blank paper, a pen, and a trustworthy computer with a reasonable
operating system and gpg installed, capable of either wireless
networking or reading data off a USB stick.  Please make sure your
computer's battery is charged.

So how do you get your key in if you haven't sent it already?

Until 17:00 on Thursday, there will be a keysigning document in at:


At the END of the document, please add your key with its full
fingerprint, as produced with:

 gpg --fingerprint "$KEYID"

If you already sent your key to Aníbal earlier, it should already be
there, so you have nothing to do except come to the event.

At the event, we will mutually agree on a key manifest to work from,
and then we will break into small groups for identity checks.

See you then,


Attachment: pgpedjRyhl5nb.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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