Hi Holger,
No need for debian-jp to do any accounting. Just use the spi link for dc13
and drop me an email and I'll count it for the matching fund.

On Mar 28, 2013 7:13 PM, "Holger Levsen" <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mittwoch, 27. März 2013, Brian Gupta wrote:
> > We are using the CH paypal account to make accounting for the match
> > program simpler, and have fewer "hops" in the transaction. (Paypal
> > account is managed by the DC accountant in Switzerland.) However, if
> > we can have an easy way to track contributions to the program through
> > another payment method and it's not too much work for people to
> > combine the results, and give sponsors-team a weekly report, there
> > shouldn't be an issue using another payment method.
> as paypal doesnt work for Debian people in .jp I'd suggest to make an
> exception for them and let them use SPI as their payment method for this.
> And
> I'd also suggest to let Debian.jp do the accounting for this: they are
> friendly+trustworthy Debian people, so if they (=debian.jp) say: "The
> amount X
> is coming from the individual A, B, C + D and is for this matching funds
> thingy" I see no reason not to trust them.
> Brian, can you please explicitly ACK this, so that our friends in Japan can
> start sending us all their money?! :-)
> thanks & cheers,
>         Holger
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