I won't be able to make it to the day trip tomorrow (a friend is coming
down from Seattle and we're going to spend the day at Powell's), but I
brought a travel backgammon board with me and I know there was some
interest from folks in playing backgammon.

I left the board with the front desk, and anyone who would like to bring
it along on the day trip tomorrow can pick it up from there.  The front
desk will be closing this evening at about 20:00 or 20:30, and will not be
open tomorrow, so please stop by and pick it up before then if you're
interested in bringing it with you tomorrow, or at least reply to this
message and see if someone can bring it to you tomorrow.

Feel free to hang on to it as long as you're using it, and just drop it
off at the front desk and send me a note when you're done with it (or give
it to me in person if you see me, but doing this through the front desk is
less hit or miss).

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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