On 30/08/14 22:33, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach jathan <jathanblack...@openmailbox.org> [2014-08-30 05:36 -0700]:
>> I will do all the possible to save money this year and go to the
>> next DebConf in Heidelberg to present my work finished or at least
>> significant progress,
> If it's Debian-related, you could also apply for sponsorship!
> Thanks for writing in. We hope you can make it next year.
Thank you very much Martin! Yes, my thesis it's about the Debian Project
related to decommodification of labor in the production of digital goods
and the social meaning of community in their constitution from symbolic
meanings and ideological motivations. I will be on the lookout for check
for sponsorship then. See you in Heidelberg! Thank you for your support
and to all in Debian ;)

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