On Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:13:07 +0000, Margarita Manterola wrote:

> My feeling is that completely forbidding profanity (or whatever the
> right word for it is, profanity also seems wrong) doesn't benefit
> DebConf.
> Personally, I do want people to "be excellent to each other", to
> treat each other with respect and to not use foul language if it's
> not needed. However, I feel that calling out attention to quotes
> that include these words, or one-time uses of these words is
> excessive, and not inclusive as the paragraph title goes.

I agree.
> Proposal:
> ================
>  Any public presentation which is part of any event, including but not 
> limited to keynotes, presentations, lightning talks, addresses, mailing list 
> posts and forums, is subject to this code of conduct and thus may not contain:
>     Sexual or violent imagery;
> +    Insults or ad-hominem attacks;
> + We also ask you to avoid language which is not appropriate for an all-ages 
> audience as much as possible.
> + If the content of the presentation requires including language that could 
> be considered offensive, this should be pointed out in advance, at the 
> beginning of the talk and in the schedule.
> If presenters are unsure whether their material is suitable, they are 
> encouraged to show it to the DebConf Talks Team before their session. 
> ================

This sounds good to me; thanks!


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