On Sun, 2014-09-07 at 22:15 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
> > I would like to ask to remove the "Do not photograph me" checkbox in
> > Debconf registration form as we do not really have a technology to
> > implement that.
> As someone who checked that option (mainly in solidarity with privacy
> conscious DebConf attendees I've met over the years), I agree it is
> quite pointless.

If I understand correctly, DebConf should publish the list of the
"privacy conscious DebConf attendees" ? Should that list be completely
public so we are sure that everyone knows which picture can or can't be
published ? Actually, a picture of each of those wanted^W"privacy
conscious DebConf attendees" should be included so other attendees would
actually know who they should refrain from taking picture!

An alternative that was proposed is to recommend all the "privacy
conscious DebConf attendees" to gather at the back of the room. That
would be a nice group picture! Not sure they would enjoy it though.

All proposed solution looks like a division by zero error.

So the only option seems to use a "white list" of people would are happy
to have their picture published. There was 300 attendes and many
thousands pictures (taken by Aigars and every other attendees).

Who volunteers to tag those pictures ? good face memory required !

There is one thing that make me uncomfortable: Some pictures of $me, and
all the "privacy conscious DebConf attendees" are published on some
website which license states "you grant us a [..] transferable,
sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use.." another
license states "...worldwide [..] license to reproduce, adapt, modify,
translate, publish" (thanks to Luke Faraone for pointing that[1]).

Would it be possible to proscribe all service which aren't under a
license like "don't copy, don't modify, except for your personal use,
unless you obtain permission from the people on the picture ?"

The good old "gallery.debconf.org" had no license, so "don't copy, don't
modify, don't published" applied there.



[1] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20140904.234307.fa0b1448.en.html

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