On 14 September 2014 21:43, micah anderson <mi...@debian.org> wrote:
> Gaudenz Steinlin <gaud...@debian.org> writes:
>> And taking the risk to be called an ochlocrat once again, I would also
>> argue against accomodating vegans if the proposed solution would be that
>> everyone has to eat vegan food all the time.
> If you had a checkbox that said "I need to eat meat at every meal" and a
> special meal was taken care of for you, would you be ok with that?

We have that, it is called meal choice. And we had people wearing
different badges for different meal types, so that people that were
servicing them could easily tell their preference and not have to ask
every person at every meal time. We've even had 'vegan table' and
'meat eater table' too. Just this year we had the vegan table at the
Cheese&Wine party. So - yes, we have been identifying and singling out
people for special attention based on their preferences all these

Some of the proposed solutions here sound to me as equivalent of
proposing to get rid of sponsored food altogether because of some sort
of difficulties vegans would feel for being singled out so that enough
vegan food can be prepared for them. I mean it's not like the
sponsored food is the core activity of the conference,

There are really only three options: either we minimize the default
conference experience to lowest common denominator, or we ignore
minority preferences, or we identify people with additional
preferences and provide them with special attention. I think we are
better than the first two options.

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigar...@debian.org
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 | : :' :   Latvian Open Source Assoc. (http://www.laka.lv)     |
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