
Am Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015, 10:13:05 schrieb Aníbal Monsalve Salazar:
> DebConf15: Call for keys for keysigning in Heidelberg, Germany
> As part of the 16th Debian Conference in Heidelberg, Germany there will
> be OpenPGP (pgp/gpg) keysignings. If you intend to participate in
> the DebConf15 keysignings, please send your ascii armored public key as
> explained at [0] no later than 23:59 UTC/GMT/Zulu on Sunday 9th of
> August, 2015. I'll start processing keys after a day or two.
> If you have questions please send them to the mailing list at
> debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org.  […]

I have a question and another related one:

Is it acceptable to bring in two primary GPG keys – one for work and one for 
private use? I have these separate with my old (insecure) keys. Does this 
even make sense? I didn´t found much on the web on that. On one hand one can 
easily find both of my mail addresses. But on the other hand with a primary 
key I think it may be easier to revoke just one of these.

I read about mutiple keys and cross-signing then in

> [0] http://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc15/ksp-dc15.html

Does this relate to old key / new key? Does it make sense to cross-sign if 
the old key is considered to be insecure?

Thank you,

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