Related: if anyone would like bike routes, I have a small collection of
varying degrees of difficulty / gearing required.


On, 15 Aug 2015, at 03:58 PM, Dererk wrote:
> Hey debconfers!
> For those of you that love running at mornings as much as hacking at
> nights, a couple of us are doing morning workouts leaving from the
> venue's Stone Age-ish area[1] daily at 7.30 to depart 7.45 sharp, for
> being back just before breakfast finishes, so you don't miss a thing!
> Running along the Neckar is awesome, paths are in great shape, away from
> the noisy city areas, and you can keep running as long as you want, like
> for ~20KM round trip or so. It's basically impossible to get lost since
> its a straight away route that takes you from the venue and back to
> start point.
> If you are one of those crazy trail running/cross country fans, there is
> an incredible awesome nice route you must try through the forest.
> Its located really close to the venue (~2KM from the venue to the bottom
> of the hill), and although it has a gentle +300m altimetry, no technical
> gear is required (for sure good grip is always advised, since raining
> might turn the paths a little bit slippery with leafs).
> Multiple paths for keep going up or start descending and tree-covered
> paths, which turned to be just great once the sun starts to strikes in.
> Beautiful panoramic points facing the Heidelberg Castle and bridges are
> mandatories stops!
> Here[2] you can see the route, the altimetry map, etc.
> Enjoy!
> Cheers,
> Dererk
> ref.
> 1.  At the back of the venue, facing the Heidelberg Room, in the
> direction of the Neckar river
> 2.
> -- 
> BOFH excuse #163:
> no "any" key on keyboard
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