
just a heads-up: if you are using the gpg.conf file by Jacob Applebaum
as recommeded in
<https://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc15/ksp-dc15.html>, caff (at
least for signing-party 1.1.x, haven't checked 2.x) won't work.

The reason is that that configuration file sets the option
'with-fingerprint' in gpg.conf, which displays fingerprints for all
keys. While a good idea for gnupg itself, this is a problem for caff, as
it tries to figure out what your own public keys are by parsing the
output of gpg and looking for lines containing fingerprints - and with
the 'with-fingerprint' option, also the private keys' fingerprints will
be shown in the output of gpg that caff tries to parse - and it will
then complain that it couldn't import all of your own public keys (with
a kind-of cryptic message) and won't even get to the signing part.

So either:

  - temporarily remove the with-fingerprint option before using caff
    to sign your keys (and re-add it later)

  - remove the symlink of gpg.conf in .caff/gnupghome and replace it
    with a copy without the with-fingerprint option

(I'll file a bug report later.)


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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