[ Sorry I didn't reply to this thread yesterday. ]

Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Unfortunate timing for the first session, I agree;

I'd be delighted to start early (6pm, perhaps), so we can play some *before*
the part starts.


> it was specifically to allow Bradley Kuhn to join us before he flies home.

Is it possible for us to set up our game outside on one of the outdoor tables
near the cheese and wine party?  People who have folded there hand can go
enjoy some cheese/wine inbetween hands that way.  We could then have our
cheese and eat it too. ;)

Finally, I will be here Tuesday night as well -- but I cannot stay late
due to my early flight.  I'd have to leave the game around 22:00 on Tuesday.

But, if you want to move this first game to Tuesday from 19:00-22:00 (for
example) that would work ok for me.

   -- bkuhn
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