
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 04:52:23PM +0100, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> If someone dares to take a really close look at one, try to see if it
> has the distinctive three dots on its face, and that should confirm it
> is one of these:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vespula_germanica
> (wasps).

Yep, that's what Europeans (wenn, at least Germans) think of if they
hear the word "wasp". And
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_honey_bee is what they think of
if they hear the word "bee".

They're very easy to distinguish:

* Wasps have no hairy body.
* Wasps also care about meat.
* Wasps don't sit on flowers.
* Wasps have a very tight and clearly visible taille.
* Wasps have clearly visible mandibles.

(And it's well known locally that there is a wasp plague in at least
Baden-Württemberg this summer.)

Maybe north american bees look more like (our) wasps. No idea why else
Steve thought that those are bees.

                Kind regards, Axel
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