❦ 19 août 2015 21:41 +0200, Tomasz Buchert <tom...@debian.org> :

> Hi,
> anybody was able to bridge vm with wifi interface and get IPv4 address
> from debconf wifi? What would be a reason behind the fact that I cannot
> get IPv4 address for my VM?

You need to NAT the MAC source address with ebtables, otherwise the AP
won't accept the incoming frames. Something like that should work:

ebtables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j snat --to-src MAC-OF-WLAN0 --snat-arp

In fact, this seems a bit more complex (as ebtables is not stateful) and
we have something in the wiki for that:

Make sure your code "does nothing" gracefully.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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