
Missing from that list are the number of Linux Fests and other other "Linux and 
Foss events" around the world (Ohio Linux Fest, Northwestern Linux Fest, 
Southern California Linux Enthusiasts (SCALE), Cheminitzer LinuxTAG and others).

Some of those events are not Free Software or even Open Source specific, and so 
it is unlikely that overlapping events are going to hurt Debconf attendance.  
Other events are always planned so close to the event, within a one-year (or 
even three-month) planning cycle, that trying to plan a Debconf around them is 
useless.  Depending on the size and venue (hotel, university, etc.) I have seen 
"events" planned in less than six months (some in less than three months).

Other events tend to either change their dates or be cancelled. I am working 
with an event that is expecting 4000 people, but which has been "delayed" for 
more than a year....this time I *think* it is going to happen.

I suggest you pick a number of events that you consider crucial to avoid, along 
with major religious holidays and school vacation periods, and considering 
off-season venue prices, and just go with that.  Be active in contacting these 
"crucial" groups, and monitoring their websites up to the date you select the 
date for Debconf.  After that, ignore the issue for that year.  You are not 
going to fix it, and it will just hamper your planning.

Trying to avoid all of them, or even attempting it, is a recipe for madness.

Warmest regards from one who has been doing this for forty years.


----- Original Message -----
also sprach Ian Jackson <> [2016-09-08 14:22 
> > While we cannot promise to avoid all conflicts, obviously, we can
> > certainly include these data in future decisions.
> Yes.
> I think sharing these conflicts is valuable because it has prompted
> this:


(it's hardly a new topic. In the past, we've even tried to
coordinate with other conferences well ahead of time. For instance,
DC15 reached out to CCCamp 20 months ahead of the conference, but
despite all these efforts, the conflict happened anyway)

> That is currently an empty page.  Is there a template we should use ?
> I found this:
> which I could perhaps adapt ?

Looks good. I am not aware of any other template.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17: Montreal:

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