
----- Mensagem original -----
> De: "Didier 'OdyX' Raboud" <o...@debconf.org>
> # ~ 2017-01-15 — Bid status meeting
> # ~ 2017-02-15 — Venue decision meeting
> Once the DebConf Committee will have been formed, I will launch polls to
> determine the precise timestampts for the two decision meetings (according to
> [1]).  The "rough target" dates are mid-January, and mid-February.
> In any case, all interested parties are invited to read all the
> documentation put up by the Bid Teams, and ask all relevant questions on
> the DebConf-Team list, starting… now!

Ok, we from Curitiba are aware.

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curador de Software Livre da Campus Party Brasil 2017 (CPBR10)
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Fone: +55 (41) 99198-1897
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

Apoie a campanha pela igualdade de gênero #HeForShe (#ElesPorElas)  
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