On 21/03/17 11:10, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> [2017-03-21 21:29
> +1300]:
>> Can anybody make suggestions about how to minimize the impact on 
>> DebConf and DebConf visitors?
> Do not fly via the US. I understand this might mean the cheapest 
> flight is not available to you, but some of the measures you
> propose would mean additional expense on DebConf, in which case we
> might just as well commit that money to helping people "upgrade"
> their flights?

That may be something for the bursaries team to comment on - if I
understand the way it usually works, people are expected to find the
cheapest flight and they can go up to 10% over if the price changes.

Does anybody know if these rules also apply to flights passing through
US airspace?  Even if that doesn't apply now, they seem to be changing
some rules almost every week.



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