On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 01:14:03PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Antonio Terceiro writes (""Debian CI/autopkgtest BoF" at Debconf18"):
> > For personal reasons I needed to cancel my Debconf18 attendance.
> I'm sorry to hear that.
> > I had proposed a BoF session titled "Debian CI/autopkgtest BoF". Is
> > there anyone who is attending and could lead this session so that it
> > happens anyway? I will make an effort to follow it remotely despite the
> > 11h timezone difference.
> I can try to help, although IDK really what your plans were.
> > I think that now that CI is influencing testing migration this is as
> > relevant of a topic as ever. Also, I led similar BoFs at the last 2
> > Debconfs, and I feel both were very interesting and useful. They were a
> > mix of status update, Q&A, and open discussion.
> Right.  So, I guess, count me as volunteering.

Thanks for volunteering!

I hadn't made my mind about any specific plans yet. What I had been
doing is I give some sort of introduction, like updates on the
infrastructure, etc, then open for discussion ("any other business"). I
also prepare some topics in advance to bootstrap the discussion in case
attendees don't bring anything up.

For example, you as heavy user¹ could open by describing your impression
of the process, workflow tips, features/bugs of the testing migration
gating, etc.


Then you can have a list of questions to ask attendees in case no one
raises a discussion topic, like

- did anyone here try to add autopkgtest support for a package, but hit
  any blocker, and would like to discuss that?

- does anyone has a useful tip to share about testing a (recurring)
  situation that could be useful for others?

etc. and if you can have your own answer prepared for these, it helps to
get the ball rolling.

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