
Le 10/08/2018 à 18:51, Gunnar Wolf a écrit :
> Yao Wei dijo [Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 09:45:22AM +0800]:

>> I feel tremendously sorry handling this issue.

> *Please* don't be so hard upon yourself. You, all of the team and you
> in particular, did *great*.

Let me join Gunnar and others to thank you for organizing this great
event this year. You really don’t need to apologize!

I also wanted to point out, as one of 115 easily publicly identifiable
[participants] to this event, that I would have happily opted-in to have
my full name and country of origin handled to a sponsor if that would
make your life a bit easier.

        participants: https://debconf18.debconf.org/users/



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