
On 07/05/2019 12:50, Jonathan Carter wrote:
>    - Never leave your things unattended, if you need to leave a room,
>      ask someone to keep an eye on it for you, if there is no one there,
>      rather pack up and take your stuff with you.

When I go to events here in Brazil, and I want leave my laptop alone on
the table, I alwayes use a locker like this:

Its not the "most safer locker on the world", but its better than nothing.

I've never had a problem with someone cutting the cable.

>    - Install Uber. You might not like them, there's probably many good
>      reasons for that, but being able to press a button on your phone
>      and a car will show up in ~2 minutes is a great safety net that
>      can be useful for a wide array of emergencies.

There is also "99", a national app. It works for regular car (as Uber)
and for Taxis.

>    - Print out your international medical insurance details and keep it
>      in your wallet, you want to minimize any time doubting how you'll
>      pay for a medical emergency if it should happen. (not sure how
>      the hospital system works in Brazil, but always best to play it
>      safe)

We have public hospitals here.
And the venue is cover by an emergency company.

The hotel is very close from the venue. And there is a Mall between
them. We are finishing a map, you can see a draft here:

Don't forget read and contribue in our FAQ:

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Debian Developer
Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

Organizador da DebConf19 - Conferência Mundial de Desenvolvedores(as) Debian
Curitiba - 21 a 28 de julho de 2019

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