Christoph Biedl dijo [Thu, May 21, 2020 at 11:20:17PM +0200]:
> Daniel Lange wrote...
> > We need to know, assuming health regulations permit it, how many people
> > intend to attend. This year probably more than ever before, prompt
> > registration is very important to us.
> Since you quite stress that, would it be of help for you I you get a
> "negative" registration as well? Then those who already know for sure
> they will *not* attend for whatever reason could make an according
> statement, and it might be a little easier to guess how many people will
> show up.

I believe it's important to get those numbers somehow. Now, the
registration interface does not provide for anything like that - we
were preparing a survey in the last couple of days to get a better
look at said numbers, and we should be sending it out to everybody
soon; it will be important in the decision process.


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