On 2020-05-23 05:46 +0800, Andrew Lee wrote:

> As crisis is turning point. According to everyone's feedback. I also believe 
> to
> have the conference in person is not the best option to fight together to the
> virus. And I also don't want our DebConf orga team's efforts to be wasted.
> I believe orga team has done their best. We hope we all may work together to
> make this year as the first special DebConf ever with revolutionary 
> arrangement
> (online, VR/XR...etc) possible.

Large in-person conferences are not just a problem because of the
disease risk, but also because they are very high-carbon activities
that are increasingly difficult to justify. Lots of organisations have
discovered that they can do their meet-ups remotely recently, and I
think we should take this opportunity to see if we can too. We should
be better at this than most.

Experience in other organisations is that all-remote events
(i.e. where everyone is remote on the same footing) work a lot better
than mixed events where some people are remote and some are there
in-person. Obviously events where everyone are in-person work even
better, but that's clearly not going to happen this year however
things go, and has never been true anyway.

So I vote for working on a fully-remote conference this year, if only
by way of a trial-run. If it works reasonably well then maybe in
future we could have a full in-person conference every 3 or 4 years or
so, with remote ones being the annual norm (it would be a hell of a
lot easier to organise if nothing else). I realise that's pretty
radical, but events like debconf are a significant part of the
excessive emissions of many of us, and 2020 is clearly a year for a
rethink of many things. Lets not waste the opportunity to rethink

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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