Curious... I'm interested (I'm a tenor), and I might be able to convince my partner (she's a soprano).

However we're in Australia, so latency to .de is ~300ms, no good for live collaboration unless you're considering something to work around that (pre recorded, or delays lines etc), so it probably wouldn't be practical for us to participate in anything realtime.


Ashley J Gittins

On 2020-08-27 23:07, Florian Haftmann wrote:
We have interest to try whether we can have a choir music session during
DebConf 2020 online.

Sounds interesting? Then give a shout here.

What you should bring with you:

* Singing experience in multi-voiced settings.
* Ability to acquire a piece of music from score (iteratively, not
neccessarily at first sight).
* Appreciation for traditional choir literature, we plan to start with
madrigals and similar:
* <>

        Florian and Nattie

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