
On Sat, Sep 04, 2021 at 07:18:00PM +0700, Judit Foglszinger wrote:
> On Saturday 04 September 2021 16:37:26 Geert Stappers wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 10:27:29PM +0700, Judit Foglszinger wrote:
> > > 
> > > have now added the missing people and uploaed the jpgs.  did't upload
> > > the bigger files yet as I'm in a train with limited bandwidth.
> > > 
> > 
> > Meanwhile probably uploaded to
> > https://people.debian.org/~urbec/random-weirdness/dc21/?C=M;O=D
> Indeed, it is.  How to keep them appart - the former version had 5 complete
> squares stacked onto each other to the left of the cow&tux picture, the new
> version has 6.

Also at https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/21/GroupPhoto (WiP).

And we should get the original 1 GB dc21group-photo-full.xcf stored somewhere
at https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/share/debconf21/ , using



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