On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 10:48 PM Gunnar Wolf <gw...@debian.org> wrote:

> Many people find their way into getting involved with Debian during
> DebConf by joining the teams that are busy setting things up for the
> conference -- Video, network and infrastrcture, front desk, mainly. I
> saw Paulo Henrique already sent also a coordination list, which you
> might find useful.
> This year, sadly (due to the distance and that I cannot leave my
> obligations for so long) I will not be joining DebConf.
> Anyway -- up to you to decide how you want to get involved (and, of
> course, there is no obligation to do so!)

Thanks for your answer.

I am waiting to see if anything appears on the coordination list:
 - https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/22/DebCamp
Then I will decide whether some activities are interesting for me and I'd
like to join them.


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