On 7/6/22 19:31, Enkelena Haxhiu wrote:
There might be students and people eager to learn, so my question is if people are open to give random explanations or maybe some ad-hoc short workshops on demand?

Would be great to know actual names we could talk to when you arrive. So feel free to reply here.

Very nice that it will happen and a very nice idea.
I am willing and glad if I can help with this.

On 7/6/22 21:23, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 7:31 PM Enkelena Haxhiu <enkelen...@gmail.com Enkelena, I will be present (hopefully) during the DebCamp.
I am ready to help people install Debian, if they wish.

Nice idea! I am also be there during the Debcamp.
I think I can help with that too.

If there are interested people, I can also organize a basic course on Linux Commands, based on this: https://ocw.fs.al/course/view.php?id=23 <https://ocw.fs.al/course/view.php?id=23> It is not quite related to Debian, but it should be good enough for beginners. It is better to create an event somewhere, where people can register, so that we can have an idea about how many people could participate, to notify them about the meeting times, etc..

We can also talk privately about the organization details, if these proposals seem interesting.


Nice idea, if you want help, ping me, I will be happy if  I am able to help.
I think it would be a nice idea to have an organized presentation somewhere with collected material. Just so we know where it's better to start and what not to forget to mention.

Kind regards,
Anastasios Lisgaras
Open Source Software Engineer.
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