This discussion has diverged from its original topic, but anyway.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 8:15 PM Vincent Bernat <> wrote:

> On 7/8/22 20:01, Znoteer wrote:
> >> Similar information is normally on the
> >> bottom of every email from a Debian mail distribution list.
> >
> > That's what I thought, too.  But, there is no such info at the bottom of
> the original cheese post, nor in your email to the list, nor in micah's. I
> deleted Mart'N's email, but I don't recall seeing a footer there either.
> I'm wondering if this list has been configured differently.
> These footers break DKIM signatures. Therefore, the list can either
> modify the From to impersonate someone or ensure that the body is left
> unmodified. AFAIK, no Debian list is using a footer anymore, except the
> ones on "alioth".

I think that other mailing lists (or software that do the same or similar
job) don't have such a problem (with DKIM signatures), because I see that
they have a footer (including unsubscribe).
So, maybe you should consider moving to some other mailing list software
that is more up to date.

If you ask me, I would suggest migrating the mailing lists to Discourse (, which is a modern version of mailing lists.
I have some experience with installing and maintaining Discourse, and I
know how to make the migration from mailing lists to Discourse (I have done
it for FLOSSK a few years ago).
If anyone from the Debian infrastructure team would be interested to
discuss more details about this, I will be available during the DebCamp and

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