Hi Tobias (2022.07.14_10:31:27_+0000)
> The purpose of printing yourself it to ensure noone tampered with the fileā€¦

The intention of the conference-website based keysigning protocol is
that we could print such a list (on one page) and have it at front desk.
It wouldn't have fingerprints in it, just position IDs and names. The
fingerprints would be in the text file that you verify, and store on
your laptop.

So, the printed list is untrusted, except for keeping track of who you
have met and verified.

If someone made such a list, we could print it and have it at front

> Said that, there is a printer in the silent hacklab[1].

Which isn't for our use. The front desk printer is for our use.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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