
On Sun, 2023-09-10 at 02:30 -0400, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm glad to see you're having fun around during the night, but I
> wanted to give
> you some input because this whole thing has a clear potential to
> cause
> annoyance to others.

Yes and in this case not only potential, sorry :(

> I'll give you my own example. We arrived last night with our 1yo baby
> and were
> tragically assigned to #907. 

Ouch. I can definitely see that
#907 was a more than suboptimal room to be put in
at this particular point in time,
especially having just arrived 
(and probably very tired/jetlagged from the travel)
*and* with a small child!

> After tiredly unpacking all our stuff I got to read
> some IRC backlog and decided to move away as soon as I got to know
> there was
> about 20 folks consuming alcohol and making music in the room beside
> ours a few
> minutes before -- and that being only the prelude of something to be
> repeated
> in the coming days.

Point is taken and as I said in the other email
I'll be sure to be as considerate as humanly possible in the future.
One more thing: So this was the first party in my room
and I had already had some premonition that it *may* get out of hand
when I did anounce to debconf-discuss about it happening.

> Please remember that some people prefer to sleep at night, rather
> than hacking
> or partying -- yes yes, even during a Debconf! 

I'm shocked! ;)
Who are these people that you speak of?
(could not resist this stupid joke, sorry!)

> And they even deserve some
> respect :-)

Very much so!
I will be sure to apologize once more in person.

I think we've actually talked a bit this morning and
you may recognize me from talk meistering today at anamundi.

> Anyway, the hotel staff was wonderful and quickly helped us switching
> rooms.

I'm glad that the situation could be resolved and
I hope that you and your family did get a good nights sleep in the end!

> Moreover, they mentioned that many guests complained about your noise
> last
> night. 

This I was actually not aware of: 
My neighbors next door (the other side) were in my room.
And when I apologized the person
staying in the opposite room this morning
they basically smiled and said "it's fine, don't worry".

Of course this does not mean that we didn't overdo it.
We most certainly did.
And while admittedly it was a very fun party.
I should've put more consideration into the people *outside*
of my room.

> It's also important to know that there are many others in the
> building
> that aren't related to the conference.


> I'd rather not make any suggestions to address this issue here, but
> I'm
> counting on the maturity of dear debianites

Some of us are older than others, but yes, absolutely :)

>  and the judgment of the awesome
> orga team on this.

I hope I/we did not cause too much trouble for orga with the hotel!


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