On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 07:05:23PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:

> > So this set of questions is: a. do we request an amount from debian on
> > the order of 20k or more (if more, what is it)?  b. do we fund x% of
> > Queue B? (where x would be somewhere between 70% or 100%)
> I think that 20k from debian would be a good idea, for a general "not
> break our budget and not burn the entire surplus" standpoint.  I'd
> rather ask for extra to ensure a surplus than risk a defacto loan due
> to spending too much.
> We could then spend a lot of this on travel sponsorship, queue B.  I
> am ambivalent about this, it would be very nice but I wouldn't push
> it since we are already going much deeper into last year's surplus
> than past years.

After hearing more comments, I'll change my opinion.  I had always
heard how Debian has far more money than it knows what to do with.
This isn't the case, it has enough but 20k isn't small.  DebConf has
it's own fundraising mechanisms, but the other recent small
meetings don't as much.

So now I'm more disinclined to spend money on queue B, it is
*important* but we need to deal with negatives sometimes.  However, if
Debian is still OK with giving us 20k under these conditions, I'm
all for it.  I would rather people who aren't me decide.

We should also cut our costs, as we have started discussing, but let
it be know that there is a small chance of going over and use up more
than our surplus...

- Richard 

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 347 days, 16:30
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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