thank you for informing us. Now that you scared the bejesus out of me, I
think I'll just keep with the local team business.

As for the rest of ToDo list, once again, anyone willing to help is most
welcome. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/ToDo

Best regards

On 12/29/2010 10:45 AM, Pablo Duboue wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Vedran Omeragic
> <ved...@vedranomeragic.com> wrote:
>> > Global Team
>> >
>> > While we are very enthusiastic about all this, it's also important to know
>> > that most of us are new to the concept of hosting a huge conference.
>> > Therefore, your guidance and help is very appreciate. We made mistakes
>> > before, and will probably will make some more, but your patience is
>> > appreciated.
>> > Just a question regarding penta, who makes it? We or you?
> Penta hacking is a task reserved for either the worse sinners that
> deserve to be tormented for eons to come or wonderful souls that
> suffer horribly to free us all (from penta hacking).
> Being said that, in general it is more of a global team kind of thing
> but if you have people willing and able at your end (penta is
> Ruby-on-Rails plus maybe posgress in the backend?), I guess we won't
> say no to help. Maybe we'd even say yes! yes!
> I'm not into the selected team of penta hackers myself, though and
> that team tends to be kept small due to a number of reasons among
> which the most repeated one is: the DB holds private data of tons of
> people and it is protected by European privacy laws governing the
> country where the machines are located. But I might just be making
> this all up as I'm not a penta hacker myself.
> Hope this helps (at least to elicit some reply to your original
> question from "people in the know" ;-)
> Happy holidays!
> P.

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