On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:50:58PM -0600, Richard Darst wrote:
> * Talks/scheduling team - select talks, organize tracks and related
>   events
>   - leaders and committee members who rate people.

I worked in talks and scheduling team some years ago and I'm willing to
do it for DebConf 11 as well.

One minor restriction regarding scheduling team:  I strongly consider
leaving the scheduling team at the day when DebConf really starts.  My
experience from past years has shown that it consumes a lot time to
schedule late comers and always creates a lot of noise.  This year I
have a decent work plan which does not allow spending so much time on
this issue.

> * Travel sponsorship - review requests for travel sponsorship and
>   allocate this money
>   - leaders and committee members who research applicants

I was working in travel sponsorship team last year because I was not
asking for sponsorship myself (because I was not coming).  This year I
will ask myself for sponsorship and thus I hesitate to join a team to
handle an issue where I'm partly biased.  If there is *really*, *really*
help needed I might consider joining as well but with mixed feelings.

> On 25th January 2011, at 20:00 UTC, we will have a meeting on
> #debconf-team (OFTC) to plan out our teams for DebConf11.  We invite you to
> attend this meeting to get added to learn about the teams, and
> hopefully join where you would like.

I hope that I'll be there.
Thanks for working that hard for DebConf


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