On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:57:20AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Although I agree we need a CfP ASAP, I think it's self-defeating to
> have a CfP out before registration is working.


> People will start
> scratching their heads... So, I know registration is _almost_ there,
> but not quite yet.

Definitely.  I have not checked the archives but from my feeling we are
quite late this year.  Any reason?  (Please do not waste time in a large
discussion for the reasons if you can just make it happen in the same

> It should be done _soon_. But until then, I'd much
> rather ask you to hold CfP - After all, we don't have to capture
> audience. Debian people knows we have a DebConf cooking, and will
> probably start brushing up their ideas even if we didn't have a CfP at
> all.

ACK.  IMHO, a CfP can be derived quite simply from last years CfP (or
did I missed something? 

Kind regards


PS: Sorry for not attending IRC meeting, I've catched a cold and rather
    prefered to got to bed yesterday ...

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