Hi Gunnar,

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:22:28AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > 
> > Do you possibly want to draft an email calling for such pledges, and it
> > can be discussed at the next meeting?
> > 
> > Should we ask people to pledge the marginal cost (about 300 CHF), the
> > professional fee (about 600 CHF), or just ask each person to pledge "I'm
> > willing to pay up to XXX francs if it can't be avoided"?
> I thank and welcome Andreas' mail, and am joyous we will again have a
> chance to meet. However, such pledges have no place IMO. Many people
> know we are facing a tough budget, and we should, yes, make clear to
> attendees we could use their help. But requiring such pledges (and
> making them public or semi- even more) is off-limits.

I fully agree here and I also hesitated to formulate an e-mail about
this because this is what I'd call asking people for following which is
what I did not want to do (because it is not acceptable).  After
thinking twice about my offer it might create some mental pressure like
"he did this, should I do the same" which is also not intended.

> And even if somebody usually comes as a professional, and pledges to
> do so again, but cannot do it in the end (that is, before the final
> timeframe for sponsored accomodation)... Well, we will not demand them
> to. Even if they had blood-signed a GPG-signed document.

... just trying to imagine how blood-signing a GPG-signed document would
work. ;-)
Kind regards


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