On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 02:01:57PM +0100, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> We also can't force people with cars to drivers other.  Some people might
> want just have the car parked the whole week.

I do not think that "forcing" is the proper word.  I simply trust in the
ability of DebConf attendees to organise things in an apropriate manner.
> If you see debconf as some holidays, certainly. For debconf you need talk
> rooms, hacklabs, internet, etc that are impossible to evaluate seeing those
> photos.

With the exception of internet which was not "visible" on the plan (but
confirmed by Le Camp to be extended to our needs) I have definitely seen
talk rooms and hacklabs - and they locked really nice and perfectly fit.
That's actually the very good news I obtained from the link you gave.
Kind regards


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