
On Wed, Feb 04, 2015 at 05:59:03PM -0500, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Could frame this differently?  The normal framing (above) often ends up
> with an assumption that everyone must eat meat, with only a limited
> set-aside for vegetarians.  This results in overconsumption of meat: it
> forces normal people to eat meat in order to avoid running out of
> vegetarian dishes for the vegetarians.


I for myself (not beeing a vegetarian) decided to register as vegetarian
on any event since I like vegetarian food as well and decide at random
whether I might rather pick from the non-vegetarian food which usually
is available in larger quantities. 

I think having a larger "reserve" on vegetarian food (by cutting from
the non-vegetarian reserve) is a sensible idea.

Kind regards


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