On 25.08.2015 10:26, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 25/08/15 at 09:11 +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> One month for bursaries is tight, but doable if we are well prepared. 1
>> 1/2 months would be better. It mostly needs someone to drive the process
>> as David did it this year.
>> At the bursaries Bof we thought that the idea of sponsoring more people
>> as others cancel or don't need the sponsorship anymore worked quite well
>> this year. So we will continue to do that.
> This sounds wrong to me. For me, the role of bursaries is to decide, for
> a specific attendee, if s/he should be sponsored to attend or not.
> That's a yes/no question (a hard one, but still). If you end up needing
> more budget to cover the sponsorship for all those that should be
> sponsored, just ask for more money from Debian.
> But deciding that someone's attendance is not worth getting sponsored,
> and then, in the end, sponsoring it, sounds like throwing money out of
> the window. And on the other hand, deciding that someone should not be
> sponsored based on the initial assumption of the sponsorship budget,
> even if that person's attendance would be beneficial to DebConf/Debian,
> is a net loss for Debian.

Note: food and accommodation is really a yes/no.  But travel
sponsorship, which requires a lot more money, is much more difficult. We
will not have enough money, IMHO, for most of the requests.

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