On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 10:33:21AM +0200, Bernelle Verster wrote:
> Hi all
> * 2. Website meeting - Tammy, Raoul, Simon

Other possibly relevant persons: wendar, tumbleweed, cate, edrz (me),
(other past contributors ...), ...

> Agenda:
> ** 0. Timeframe - get prelimanary deadlines for all components of
> website. - Bernelle can oversee this, but needs input from team.
> ** 1. Design - Tammy to coordinate, incl content
> ** 2. Front end design - Raoul to coordinate. [todo] incl
> templatizing, decide on static site type (wafer?), layout and UX and
> meta, wireframes, mockups, content matrix... "move information from
> the website to the wiki"
> ** 3. Back end design (wafer) - will this be part of the meeting, Simon?

.oO( ** 4. SSL cert ... )

I'm not sure I understand this split between frontend and backend. 

For too long we've had (at least) 3 separate web facing systems: static
site, wiki, conference management system (penta, summit, wafer(?)). The
topics listed in 2. apply to each at least to some degree. Some of us,
myself included, would like to see the 3 systems integrated as much as
possible with a unified look/feel/user experience and minimised
duplication of data, content and effort.

Perhaps we can call it a web presence meeting?

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