On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 07:48:44AM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 01:03:15PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > As most of you are aware by now - We finally have a (preliminary)
> > schedule! \o/
> yay! thanks to everyone involved…!

> > First, as I expected, several people have contacted me privately
> > complaining on why the schedule starts at 9AM. I agree, and you will
> > remember I have argued for it to start at 10AM. Please, before
> > publishing the schedule, consider _shifting_ everything by 1hr 
> yes!

No.  From my point of view 9:00 is fine. :-P

> > Also, several people whose talks were not accepted have asked how
> > ad-hoc or self-scheduled (pick a name!) sessions will happen. This has
> > to be discussed and decided *now*, or we will be drowned in requests.
> > 
> > Please do talk about this and decide. Ideally, the schedule and the
> > rules (and space availability, and all that) for self-scheduling
> > should be announced at the same time.
> I really don't get this. We have a talks team, which decides about
> talks and workshops and all that. And then we have self-scheduling where
> talks and workshops which werent accepted by the content team get
> self scheduled?!?
> Will those self scheduled event end up in the same rooms as the others,
> filing the time tables even more, putting more load on attendees and
> video volunteers alike?

As far as I understood Gunnar, self-scheduled talks will not have video

> Whats the point of this, why doesnt the content team decide on those
> talks / slots too?
> I'd understand if those self-scheduled events were in a dedicated different
> room (which might or might not be videoed) but I dont get why it's useful
> to have content team scheduling and self scheduling for the same ressource 
> (=room).
At DebConfs where I was more active in scheduling all was scheduled by
content team and the rule was that anything that is scheduled less than
24h in advance will not get video coverage.  I have no idea why this is
changed now and how it is done technically for random attendees to
self-schedule anything.  But as far as I can see the effect would be
that the video team has less work since less talks are maintained by
content team.
My totally wild guess is that features of the new conference management
system permit other things than we did before and so those new rules

See you


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