On Wed, 07 Feb 2018, shirish शिरीष wrote:

> Dear all,
> I just discovered the call to proposals have been announced. While I
> did make a new certificate manually on alioth as the old one was about
> to be expired.
> I did see and have also made an account on salsa.debian.org but
> haven't been able to discover if semi-automated certification is also
> on salsa cards or not.
> I do see that salsa/gitlab has provision to add ssh and gpg keys in
> account preferences but nothing about certificate creation.
> https://salsa.debian.org/profile/preferences
> https://sso.debian.org/
> still points to alioth.debian.org for certification which works for
> now. Are there plans to keep alioth for SSO for this debconf cycle or
> are the certificates going to moved on to salsa sooner than later.
> It is possible there is a roadmap somewhere I just don't know about
> it. I did see and notice the migration of lists from alioth to
> lists.debian.org .
> Look forward to having some understanding about it.
> I did look at 
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/alioth-staff-replacement/Week-of-Mon-20180101/000110.html
> which tells some of the steps being undertaken but no comment on the
> SSO service. Maybe it will happen 2, 2.5 years down the line.
> Can somebody who knows tell us what if any plans are there for the SSO 
> service ?
There aren't any yet. I created a gsoc project for replacing/enhancing the
current sso solution. Unless someone comes up with anything, the guest
backend for ssl will die. 


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